We all have a natural desire to feel in control of our lives and to have agency over our own experiences. However, it is easy to fall into the habit of giving our power away to external circumstances or other people. Here are some signs that you may be giving your power away:
You blame others for your feelings and actions. If you find yourself constantly blaming others for how you feel or what you do, you are giving your power away. Remember, your thoughts and beliefs about a situation are what ultimately determine your feelings and actions.
You feel like a victim. If you feel like you have no control over your life and that things just "happen" to you, you may be giving your power away. Remember, you always have the power to choose your thoughts and responses to any given situation.
You rely on external validation. If you constantly seek approval or validation from others in order to feel good about yourself, you are giving your power away. Your sense of self-worth should come from within, not from external sources.
You avoid taking responsibility. If you find yourself making excuses or avoiding taking responsibility for your actions, you are giving your power away. Remember, you are in control of your own life and have the power to make choices and take action.
You feel powerless or helpless. If you feel like you have no control over your life or your circumstances, you may be giving your power away. Remember, you always have the power to choose your thoughts and responses, and to take action to change your circumstances if you desire.
If you recognize any of these signs in yourself, it may be time to start taking back your power. This can involve recognizing that your thoughts and beliefs about a situation are what ultimately determine your feelings and actions, and that you have the power to choose your thoughts. It can also involve letting go of the need to blame others or external circumstances and taking full responsibility for your own life. This can lead to a greater sense of freedom and control over your own experience.